w1d2 progress
okay i've read the content on most of the sites below:
index, grameen phone, think cycle, OLPC and the online text 'the Quality of life' by Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen.
Also picked up http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifUsability engineering by J. Nielsen from Fisher.
Have to finish reading the wikipedia entries on: the quality of life, GDP country list, standard of living, Human development index, etc.
some sites which may help with idea generation:
vtpi.org, digital divide, development, berkeley
more as it happens...meanwhile, here's a totally unrelated image. It's a Toyota MR2!
ooooh, i want!

a little bit of re-solve--'s-what i need now...
index, grameen phone, think cycle, OLPC and the online text 'the Quality of life' by Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen.
Also picked up http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifUsability engineering by J. Nielsen from Fisher.
Have to finish reading the wikipedia entries on: the quality of life, GDP country list, standard of living, Human development index, etc.
some sites which may help with idea generation:
vtpi.org, digital divide, development, berkeley
more as it happens...meanwhile, here's a totally unrelated image. It's a Toyota MR2!
ooooh, i want!

a little bit of re-solve--'s-what i need now...
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