Thursday, August 24, 2006


here's a link-->it's for some processing code to be implemented in a test MIDlet.

use the bit with x, y, z.

the MIDlets will be posted soon! i swear!

meanwhile, mull over this stinging feedback from Andy:

the project goals sound more like functional descriptions.
What do you intend to achieve as a result of the existence of this project? Think of this in terms of business goals, for example.

What might be the business case for this project? Please re-do your goals. Your user needs also must be re-done. If you recall, in Lecture and the notes, I specify that the needs must be written from the perspective of what the user wants, not what the product should

What the product should do is driven by user needs, not the other way around.

...tell me when will you be mine? tell me quando quando quando...we can share a love devine, please don't make me wait again...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


JAVA coding today (shudder)

create prototype for next week and work on concept
use: J2ME wireless toolkit 2.2-->KToolbar-->

make sure the file's in the

and put the resource images and files in the

this link may help while on the labpc's:

here it goes here it goes here it goes again!


only 10-ish weeks to go!

here are some links to online segments of the required reading for this week:
article about the Nussbaum piece
newsletter about the Human development...
some PDF i haven't read...

Balance and happiness
Bhutan gross national happiness
Happiness qunatified
Ode magazine article on Bhutan's pursuit of happiness
international politics makes for strange bedfellows here
the Missoula's article on Bhutan's happy
article about King Jingme
comparison of Bhutan and Nepal
RFA analyzes happiness in Bhutan

today was a critique of the second 'assignment'. The quality of my sketches were alright, but I was flattened in the concept department. Back to the drawing board...

Science fiction (ooh ooh ooh) double feature, Doctor X (ooh ooh ooh) will build a creature. See androids fighting (ooh ooh ooh) Brad and Janet; Anne Francis stars in (ooh ooh ooh) Forbidden Planet--Wo oh oh oh oh oh--At the late night, double feature, picture show...

Sunday, August 20, 2006


GNH articles lots of them. Most of the following links are from this link.

bhutanese happiness studies
happiness gauge
Gross national happiness Bhutan clips
Marion institute
Happiness quantified

happiness as another form of 'currency'?

will post the new midlets soon.

Throw out your cares and fly
Wanna go for a ride?